Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Cooking Jewish" cookbook reveiw

I am part of "Cookbooks EtCetera" which is a Yahoo group for cookbook collectors. We discuss all things cookbooks. A few years ago a bunch of us got together in LA at a "convention" to meet in person, shop, discuss all things cookbooks, raise money for a charity, etc. At the convention Judy Bart Kancigor discussed the creation of her book "Melting Pot Memories". This started as a family cookbook. Now this cookbook has developed into "Cooking Jewish" by Judy Bart Kancigor and is published by Workman Publishing.

I wasn't sure what a "Jewish" cookbook would entail. I was pleasantly surprised! The beginning of the book talks about the family members who contributed recipes, the histroy of the family and what cooking kosher is. Each recipe tells who contributed it and gives some sort of description of when it would have been served, how it became a favorite in the family, etc. Interspersed through the book are family pictures in sepia tones and quotes from family members. There are no pictures of the food.

As usual I always look for the chocolate recipes in a cookbook. Judy's cookbook did not disappoint. A couple of the chocolate recipes include: sour cream chocolate cake, chocolate buttercream, banana chocolate chip cake, german chocolate pie, gloria kemer's chocolate bohemian cookies and many more mouth-watering treats. Which one to try first??

I love this book for the history and background it provides in addition to the wonderful recipes.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Hershey Bliss House Party

Back in April I was one of 10,000 people (from around the country) selected to host a Hershey Bliss House Party. House Parties are new to me. Hershey sent me a party package and I invited people over to try the new Hershey Bliss. My party package included 9 bags of individually wrapped chocolates, napkins, gift bags, pens, grocery lists and coupons. My guests came over and I had a tasting station, guess how many bliss in the box, and some trivia. We also had Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory playing on the DVD player. There was also an area were you could make chocolate themed greeting cards. Tweny-two people from the age of 15 months to 50-something showed up and enjoyed.

It was a good thing I had bought extra chocolate. A LOT of it got taped or glued to the cards that were being made. :)


I have been so bad about posting lately. For that I am sorry! Chocolate things have occured in the last few months. I have just not been good about posting them. I will try to rectify that soon. Go get some chocolate to eat while you are waiting for the update.